Favorite engagement shots.





Thanks Jesse for making her laugh. 🙂
This is what I call the "All in" kiss. 🙂
Its the natural smiles that get me every time.
Its so great when they make my job easy!
Love the colors and their style.

Forget Me Not Nursery in Indian, Alaska


Continue reading “Favorite engagement shots.”

Baby Ruth

This is Carissa and Kevin’s baby girl, Ruth.

She’s even cuter(if that’s possible) now, but I loved capturing the love and affection I could see

towards each other and their 1st born. Precious moments are my most favorite to preserve for

families to enjoy for a lifetime.

It also helps to have these special photos to look at when your child is screaming their

head off in the back ground, or while your taking a break from  cleaning your house and

picking up endless toys.  (just sayin’)

50mm prime lens.

Just wanted to give a shout out to the 50mm prime lens.


It not only looks cute, but it makes for an easy ‘grab and go’ experience.

I brought my 50mm along with me when we drove (8 min) to Beluga Point yesterday.

The sun was out and it was absolutely BEAUTIFUL.

I was able  to put to use some new things I learned in a recent photography class.


Moving Target
Still Beauty
Melting Target

A day with Kimberly

A week ago, we here in Anchorage woke up to yet MORE SNOW, but we all should know better, it always snows in April!!

With the snow came a call from a home school mom needing to get her daughter’s photos taken before graduation next month.

Kimberly at her "second home"...the Lusaac Library

What an honor is all I can say. Little did I know that I would have an impromptu photo session for the

following day (all because of the snow), but I would also get to photograph one the most photogenic

seniors I’ve ever worked with! Kimberly is beautiful, energetic, out going, confident, and such a LOVELY

girl all around.

Birch make such a fun back drop
Love her natural beauty
"Black and whites allow you to focus on what matters"...in this case her eyes.
Hats are THE BEST accessory to any personality!
Turquoise and Red have to be my most favorite contrasting colors. (Especially with her golden eyes)